

Hubberholme is a tiny village just inside Langstrothdale, the upper part of Wharfedale. It lies just off the main road through Wharfedale, which leaves the valley to climb over the hills into Bishopsdale just east of the village.

The main feature of Hubberholme is the church of St. Michael and All Angels, which was originally a monastic Forest chapel and is now the parish church for Langstrothdale. The church is notable for its rood-loft, a wooden walkway originally built in 1558 for use by singers or musicians. Large parts of the current church also date from that period. The church has been restored twice in 1863 and 1955-56, and most of the wooden furniture was made by Robert Thompson, the mouse man of Kilburn, in 1934.

The George Inn used to be the vicarage, and was owned by the church until 1965. At the start of each year it is the location for a candle auction, where local farmers bid to use a 16 acre “poor pasture” behind the inn, with proceeds going to help the elderly of the parish.

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