
Pateley Fritters


¾oz fresh yeast
1½oz raisins
1 pint warm milk
1 tablespoon sugar
12oz flour
2 tablespoons chopped lemon peel
1oz lard
1 large apple chopped into small pieces
pinch of cinnamon
3oz currants
Pinch of salt


Crumble the yeast into a little of the warm milk, let it froth. Warm the flour. Melt the lard in the rest of the milk. Pour the yeast into a well in the centre of the flour, add the lard and milk, let it rise for a few minutes. Add the rest of the ingredients and beat to a stiff batter. Leave to rise for 1 hour in a warm place. Fry tablespoons of the batter in dripping, turning when the underside is browned. Sprinkle with sugar and eat while hot.